COVID-19 Spring Booster Campaign

From 5th April 2023 you can book in for your Spring COVID-19 Booster if you are in any of the following eligibility categories:

  • Aged 75 and over (or turning 75 before 30th June 2023)
  • Immunosuppressed aged 5 and over
  • Care Home residents in older adult care homes

If you are a healthcare or social care worker, carer, or live with someone who is immunosuppressed you are NOT eligible for a Spring COVID-19.

For more information on the COVID-19 Spring Booster Programme please visit: 

A guide to the COVID-19 spring booster 2023 - GOV.UK ( 

How to Book

Kendal Primary Care Network is working together to provide this booster campaign. Clinics will be based at Captain French Surgery. Only attend if you have booked an appointment, we are unable to accept walk-in’s at this time.

You can book your appointment via the NHS website or by calling 119 from 5th April. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT STATION HOUSE SURGERY TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT, we are unable to do this for you. Here is the link to book online:

Book, cancel or change a COVID-19 vaccination appointment - NHS (

Please be aware you can only have your Spring COVID-19 Booster if it is at least 6 months since your previous COVID-19 Vaccination.

Frequently asked questions:

I am immunosuppressed and eliglble for a vaccine. Can by household member be vaccinated too?

No. Unlike previous vaccine roll outs, the Spring Booster Campaign does not include household contacts.

I am a Healthcare or Care Home worker - can I have the vaccine?

Care workers who have already been vaccinated are not eligible during this campaign.

I've never had a COVID-19 vaccination. Can I be vaccinated?

All adults who haven't had 2 COVID-19 vaccinations have until 30th June 2023 to be vaccinated. If you want two vaccines, your first vaccine will need to given before 5th May to allow the minimum time for your second vaccination.

I've heard that the vaccine contains fish. I cannot eat fish, should I get a different vaccine?

The Sanofi vaccine contains an ingredient that is derived from fish oil. NHS Guidance is that fish allergy is not a contraindication for the Sanofi vaccine and the same ingrediant is present in most Flu vaccinations. However, if you are concerned another vaccine will be offered to you.

Covid-19 Vaccination Helpline

What to do if you think your Covid-19 vaccination record is missing or wrong

New ways to contact the Vaccine Data Resolution Service (VDRS) and Overseas Service

If you think you or your child's COVID-19 vaccination record is missing or wrong, please call the Vaccine Data Resolution Service on 0300 561 0017. The VDRS will ask you some questions to establish your identity and identify any errors in your vaccination record. NHS 119 is no longer handling these queries but does have a recorded message directing people to the new number.

If you were vaccinated outside of England, you will no longer need a face-to-face appointment to update your vaccination record. Instead, you should email evidence to the NHS about any COVID-19 vaccinations you or your child had outside England so your vaccination record can be updated. Please follow this link to submit your evidence. (this includes people who had their vaccinations in Scotland or Wales).